Thursday, May 17, 2012

Arriving in Malaga

We got on the next American Airline at JFK for our seven hour trip across the ocean. We were happy to be served dinner and breakfast, but many of us did not get much sleep. So we did our best to stay in good humor in Madrid airport waiting for our two hour flight. We Finally got on the Iberia flight sandwiched into the tiny seats. This was a flight with no frills, and we were all glad that it would only take two hours. By the time we reached Malaga, some of us felt like the walking dead!

We stowed our luggage in a huge bus and again climbed into micro seats for our ride to the city where the Don Curro sat minutes walking distance to the hub for dining and shopping. We were lucky that only Pat Healey lost luggage. Jr said he would be happy to share his underwear! What a guy!

We arrived at the Don Curro hotel. it was situated around the corner from where the bus parked. The street in front of the hotel was too small and it was perfect for motor cycles and Smart cars. The bus driver started hauling fifty bags out and soon they filled the side walk. It soon became clear that if you were able you had to shlep your own luggage. So shlep we did as we pulled our luggage up the stairs to our room as we did not want to wait for the tiny elevator. I got to my room on the third floor and after pulling my suit case up the stairs, I was ready to take a nap.

That evening we all got together for dinner, and a lovely dinner it was. Everyone was in good spirits and the room was buzzing with everyone engaged in happy conversation getting know each other better. Having a good nap did wonders! After dinner Ed got up and told us about what we were going to expect the next day. We all sat pleasantly as he told us that we had better get a good night sleep as we would be going to Gibralter and give a full performance at a local church.

After dinner everyone broke up into small groups and went outside to take a nice pleasant walk around the hotel area. As he walked down the white and black marbled streets, it seemed that many of them were closed off for traffic looking like a city Mall! Little restaurants tables were out in front of the restaurants with people dining and drinking. Street musicians were playing, making everything very pleasant. We walked around people watching enjoying our first evening Spain.

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